The 'Green Bird'
In Islam, the Green Bird, often referred to as the "Green Birds of Paradise," symbolizes the souls of martyrs. According to Islamic tradition, the souls of those who have died in the cause of Allah SWT (martyrs) are said to inhabit green birds in Paradise. This belief is derived from various Hadiths (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, Peace be Upon Him)
One such Hadith, narrated by Muslim, describes how the souls of the martyrs live inside green birds that roam freely in Paradise, eating its fruits and drinking from its rivers. These green birds are seen as a reward and honour for the martyrs, symbolizing their eternal peace and happiness in the afterlife. This imagery is often used to convey the idea of the eternal reward and bliss that awaits those who sacrifice their lives for their faith.
Our brand was founded to aid those affected currently by the genocide taking place in Palestine, where many individuals, including innocent children have been martyd.